Or why there aren't any
There are no explicit sex scenes in The Camel Trail. Why not? Elizabeth Benedict, in her book The Joy of Writing Sex says: "The most important things in our intimate lives can't be discussed with strangers, except in books." So why haven't I included powerful erotic scenes? The first reason is maternal modesty. I have four sons and twelve grandchildren - I need say no more. Then, I have read enough bad sex scenes to know that it is hard to create good ones. Finally, I was encouraged by writers like Flaubert. His attention to all the senses is so exact and exquisite, he can write a powerful erotic scene with no physical contact. It helps that he is a genius.
Yes I agree it wont be nice if one day someone that you dont want to know your secrets read them in a book that you wrote. And besides it is a topic that you dont talk with random people.
Posted by: парфюми | September 11, 2014 at 07:19 AM